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Disputes and Penalties


0.0 The following page is referred as 'Ruleset Introduction' and apply to all BFNations tournaments.

0.1: Not following these rules will results in a disqualification of tournaments.

0.2: For PC players, please make sure to download and install the MOSS Anti-Cheat: 

0.3: For PC players, failure to show MOSS proof in case of disputes will impact decisions.


1: Format

1.1: BFNations tournaments are composed of a round-robin group stage, followed by a single-elimination finals stage for the top two teams of each group. Each group is made of (4) teams. 

1.2: Console teams can try/participate in the PC brackets, but not the other way around. 


1.3: During the group stage, teams will play two maps per match. One round per side, per team, for a total of four (4) rounds. 

1.4: If teams are tied for playoff positions after group stage completion, the following tiebreakers will be used:


-Head-to-head matchup (which team, if any, won their group stage encounter)

-Maps won/lost difference

-Maps won


1.5: During the final stage, teams will play a best-of-three (BO3) format. The first team to win two maps advances, with the losing team being eliminated (6 rounds max per match).


2: Map Scoring

PC BFV: BO3 applies. By a BO3, we are referring to a best-of-three maps. This means the team who reaches 2 map wins - wins the series. The 3rd map is played only in case the overall map score is tied 1-1 after 2 maps have been played. 

2.1: The BFN Bot must be used for matches & scores. Click win/loss at the end of the match. The other team leader click must confirm. The score will be automatically saved and appear in the tournament result channel. Post the screenshots of each rounds below the result.

2.2: Each team will play Side A round and Side B round on each map.

2.3: XB/PSN: Score will be determined by tickets at each map. The team with the most tickets after four (4) rounds wins the match.

2.4: XB/PSN: In case of a TIE (1-1) after one map, the overall ticket difference (BF1/BFV) or time to win (BF2042) of all four (4) rounds applies. This means there is no tiebreaker (3rd map) during the group stage. 

2.5: During the group stage, for each match, the possible results are either: 2-0 or 2-1 (if one map is TIE).

2.6: In case of a TIE after four (4) rounds where the overall ticket difference or time to win decides the winner, the tournament leaderboard score is 2-1 for the winning team. 

2.7: For each weekly win, a team can receive up to three (3) tournament points. One (1) point for each map won, and one (1) point for the overall match. 


3: Schedule:


3.1: Every 7 days nations/teams have to play 1 match.


3.2: Use the scheduled channel to post your matches in advance (1-2 days) Keep the chat clean using the template. 

3.3: Standard Match Day is scheduled for the last day of each Match at 8PM UK-EU/NY-NA in case no other time was agreed upon.


3.4: Standard Match Day for OCEN is scheduled for the last day of each Match at 8PM UTC +8 in case no other day / time was agreed upon.


3.5: If neither nation can agree on a time, the match will be date & time will be decided by one of the Admins. That date & time would be set as best as possible for both nations to attend and play. After this point, if either/both nations can't show up at these times, the match will be forfeited. 

3.6: The nation who initially forfeits loses the match and a win is given to the other nation. In the case of playoffs the nation who forfeits the match will be eliminated. 


3.7: Not asking Admins for a match schedule as first step for time attribution will result in a non issue if the opponent team doesn't show up, except if agreed by both teams when requesting Admin match schedule proposal. 


3.8: A match can be played either in advance or later during the tournament, if/when both teams agree on a match.


3.9: If a team sets up a match then a change in his confirmation occurs, an admin decision may be required to fix the time or the issue of the match.


4: Host Rights

4.1: In Battlefield 2042, the server region is based on the location of the person hosting the game.

4.2: For continental (e.g: EU vs EU) matches the following applies:


  • Higher seeded nation has hosting rights.


4.3: For intercontinental (e.g: NA vs EU) matches the following applies:


  • Higher seeded nation has hosting rights.


4.4: For intercontinental (e.g: NA vs EU) matches with more one map played during the match, the following applies:

  • The higher seeded nation hosts the first team region rounds, the second team region rounds will be hosted by the lower seeded nation.


4.5: If the higher seeded nation did not provide any server details yet 15 minutes after the scheduled start time, the higher seeded nation will receive a score penalty of 2 tournamentpoints and the match will be forfeited.


4.6: For OCEN vs India matches both games are played on a Singapore server.

4.7: For SA vs EU matches both matches are played on NA servers. For SA vs NA, 1 round is played in each region.

4.8: For CH vs US WEST, both rounds are played on JP servers. For CH vs US EAST, both rounds are played on EU servers. For CH vs EU, both rounds are played on German(EU) servers.


5: Map Veto


5.1: Map decision takes place in the form of a map veto system. During the group stage, a Best of 2 maps veto is used. During the finals, a Best of 3 maps veto is used.

5.2: Best of 1 map:

  • The higher seeded nation must start VETO one map. The lower seeded nation follows and must VETO one map. This will go on until there is one map remaining in the map pool.

  • The remaining map from the VETO will be played.

5.3: Best of 2 maps:

  • The higher seeded team must start VETO one map. The lower seeded team follows and must VETO one map. 

  • When two maps have been VETOed, both teams may pick a map they want to play as their ‘home map’. There is two map remaining, this will not be played.

5.4: Best of 3 maps:

A BO3 VETO will continue until there are three maps remaining in the map pool.

  • The higher seeded nation must VETO one map. The lower seeded nation follows and must VETO one map. 

  • When two maps have been VETOed, both nations may pick a map they want to play as their ‘home map’. There are two maps remaining, the higher seed will VETO another map. The remaining map will be played.



6: Player & Server Crashes

6.1: Player Crashes

If a player disconnects before any kills are made at the start of the side of the map, the side must be restarted.


  • If a player disconnects while a kill has been made in the side and the side is therefore live, the player must rejoin the match as soon as possible.


6.2: Server Crashes

If the server crashes DURING the first 4 minutes of the side, the round is to be fully replayed.


  • If the server crashes AFTER the first 4 minutes of the side, nations will be required to keep the point score obtained thus far and continue playing the second half of the map.


7: Roster & Substitutions

7.1: Nations and teams must be registered using the BFNations Tournament Registration​.

7.2: Team size: minimum required of the format of the tourney, no maximum. 


7.3: It is strictly forbidden for a player not registered in the roster of a nation/team to play for the same nation/team unless a derogation has been allowed by the organizer.

7.4: In the same way, it is formally forbidden for a player to play for a different nation/team than his/her own, except in extraordinary circumstances where in this case also a derogation is allowed by the organizer. 

7.5: No changes are allowed for the Final Stage. 

7.6: Each player must have only one of his accounts in the nation roster, sharing accounts between players is strictly prohibited.


7.7: Account sharing & cheating devices usage.

  • Penalties going from but not limited to score penalties up to BFNations permanent I.P ban will be enforced for all teams where a cheater or player is found sharing or cheating his account during a tournament.

  • Due to the complex nature of filtering cheaters and players sharing accounts, no details will be given when penalties or ban applied for account sharing.

  • Rule break information will be shared to major league owners of the competitive Battlefield scene. 

7.8: It is possible for the nation leader to make player changes during a match, but only between rounds (the round must be finished). 


7.9: All players must have register following the steps described in the Tournament Registration page.

7.10: Roster changes are not eligible to play in any matches for 24 hours after your change.


7.11: Use the bfn template in our discord to indicate roster change.


7.12: Group stage roster modification/changes allowed: 7. Final stage changes allowed: 0. The Final Stage starts when the Group Stage ends.


7.13: A roster change is defined by either a player addition to the team, or a player replacement of the team.


8: Glitches

8.1: Nations using known glitches to get an advantage in matches are subject to ticket or round loss. Each report will be reviewed individually on the severity, and a decision will be made by the admins.


8.2: We therefore ask nations to maintain a certain level of fair play when playing in our events.


9: Match Delay

9.1: Nations/teams have 15 minutes to join after the agreed play time (from the time the server details were provided). If one nation/team does not have enough players after these 15 minutes, they can either play the game with players missing or forfeit the game.


9.2: If both nations/teams don’t have their full nation in after 15 minutes, these 15 minutes are extended by 5 minutes. If after this time one of the nations/teams is not ready, repeat the rule above. Repeat this until 1 nation/team is fully ready.


10: Reporting Results

10.1: Match must be played and reports must be made in BFNations using the win/loss button. Add screenshot of each rounds under the result in the result channel.

10.2: Nation/Team/Clan leaders must make sure to take or have a screenshot of the score for each rounds in case of disputes.


11: Penalties & Disputes

11.1: All cases will be discussed internally with all the BFN Staff to have the best possible outcome.


11.2: As we are not able to write down every possible outcome, a certain amount of logic has to be applied with these Penalties. Admin penalties decisions are final. 

  • Teams are required to report and provide proof of any rule infraction(s) at the end of the map in which the infraction occurred. Failure to do so can possibly void any penalty for the opposing team.

  • If one of the nations/teams spawned before the agreed time was reached, it will cost that nation twenty (20) tickets.

11.3: BFNations requires clear MOSS and video proof (or screenshots #results if tickets-only related dispute), which is preferably uploaded to a web space, accessible via link to an unlisted/not public accessible video source. 


11.4: You are able to send any disputes until one (1) hour after the match has ended. Failure to do so will leave the opposing nation without any penalty. 

11.5: If a rule violation happens, you have to make your opponent aware of this!

Good luck, have fun!

server host rights
Map Scoring
Host Rights
Map Veto
Player and Server Crashes
Roster and Substituions
Match Delay
Reprting Results
white newspaper
white vintage-tv
white antique-swords
white shield-globe
white shirt-plain

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